Saturday, April 3, 2010


The first RSS feed I am following is called Elementary Teacher Resources Blog. I choose to follow this blog because it is always extremely helpful for me if I have people to run my ideas past or other people I can ask questions of. As a first grade teacher I can never have too many resources. Immediately after clicking onto this feed I was drawn towards specific topics like “Running Records in Kindergarten” and “Guided Reading.” When I clicked on the guided reading one it has the question “How do I make sure I am effectively running my guided reading circles?” Well that is exactly the same question I have about ten times a year. Being able to click on this site and read the comments will only enhance my teaching or reinforce for me the idea that I am running my reading groups effectively. I am excited to continue to read and grow as a teacher with the help of fellow teachers through this feed.

I also subscribed to Videos related to “Writing Express works with a First Grade Class.” I explored this feed because I’m always looking for ways to make writing more exciting and entertaining for my students. The first video I watched was a man singing a song about expository writing. This is something I have to teach as part of my curriculum and my students love to sing and act. Keeping these two things in mind I think it would be exciting and fun for them to see this video, learn the song, and include these new skills into their writing. I’m looking for more ways to incorporate technology into my lessons and one more way is through the use of videos. This site will allow me to show them other videos that are already created. While not all the videos are not necessarily educational videos for the kids there are many videos on this feed that will allow me to continue to grow as a teacher.

I subscribed to “PBS Teachers. Learning. Now” because it provides teachers with resources in all subject areas. There are even tabs on the site that provide interactive tools, online professional development, and off line activities. One of these links takes to you classes or courses you can take to increase your professional development. There were a variety of classes offered on this link. This site also provided me with lesson plans, links to extra games for the students, and a variety of teaching tools.

I have also subscribed to “Lesson Planet Articles” because I love the idea of being able to find new and exciting lesson plans and ways to reach my students. This link provides me with a variety of lessons and numerous different subjects in which I can search for these lessons. I believe it is always very valuable to have many resources and a variety of ways to meet the needs of your students. One year something may work wonderfully however the next year I may need to find new lessons and ways to reach the new group of students.

Lastly I have subscribed to “Suite101: New Teacher Support Articles.” Although I’m not a new teacher I find that it is important to constantly remind myself of great teaching practices, to learn new ways to be organized and reach my students. This site has great articles for new and old teachers that remind us and reinforce many skills we may not think about anymore. I enjoyed reading about Classroom Management Strategies for Teachers. It reinforces what I already know however; it was a great review as well.

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