Sunday, April 11, 2010


I may have found the greatest web 2.0 tool ever for my students to use. The site is called Tikatok and can be found at I used the site to create a weather book for my students to learn more about weather properties. In the past I have created these books using construction paper, printed words, and printed pictures. This site allows me to create a professional looking book to share with my students. Being able to create these engaging books is just one of the really great things about this site. The other fantastic thing about this site is that my students can create their own books as well. I have found my students take great pride in their work when they know it is going to be published and put on display. When we publish and display their writing, it usually involves my typing up their written work and the students then add an illustration. Finally, we put it up on the wall. With Tikatok they can type their writing, scan in a picture or create their own pictures and upload them to their pages. Finally, their parents can purchase a book of their work when it is completed. For $3, I was able to download a PDF version of my weather book. Parents have three choices for purchasing their child’s work. They can select the PDF version for $3, a hardcover for $18.30, or a soft cover for $15.26. I also believe that this would be a fantastic way for parents to have a collection of their child’s writing throughout the year. This site could provide the parent with a record of their child’s work that has been accumulated over the year. At the end of the school year I can provide the parents with a link to their child’s writing and they can decide if they would like to purchase a professionally bound book that includes all of their writing. I love the idea that kids can create and see their work printed for them in a professionally bound book. The site is easy to use, and definitely something that my first grade students could use with only a small amount of training involved. I loved this site and hope you will take a few minutes to check it out.


  1. I have found in my own studies that students respond to stimuli that stimulates the stimulus found in the symbols situated subjectively yet adversely to the 3 dimensional world in which the internet provides. Furthermore, i find your description of the above named web source accurate as well as informative. pip pip Tracy. (said in an Irish accent)

  2. Tracy, what an interesting find and a great use of this media source. I have designed a number of books for POD (Print On Demand) companies in the past, but I was not aware of a Web 2.0 application that allowed for creating the book within the application, typically the book is designed outside and then uploaded complete and formatted. The prices are also quite reasonable for what you are getting. I can see a lot of educators being able to apply this tool to their classes. What a great idea, I will have to hold on to this for possible future use in my own pursuits.


  3. Tracy- What an awesome site! I love the whole concept of students seeing their writing in print- actually printed in a book. I also think that you are creating a tremendous climate for your parents- I can just imagine the pride they feel in seeing these books!

    I have had my high school students create drafts of books for younger students as a way to build their communication skills in science- if they can teach someone else, and break it down to a simpler level, they will know it so much better. I am adding this resource so that they can make true books. We have a children's festival in the spring and this would add tremendously to what we do as a class. Thank you for your research!

  4. T- This is another great storybook writing tool. I love that it is very kid friendly. It is similar to the tool I chose: Storyjumper, but there are some great differences too. For example, here are a few differences I like: the books are cheaper to publish, topics are provided for those students who can't get started, and digital e-books are an option for publication. Great job presenting this tool. i will explore it more later, and show my students. Thanks!

